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A New Year Cannabinoid Cleanse


Are you looking for an “accountabilibuddy” to join you in your cannabinoid-free era? Whatever habits you’re looking to make or break this year, you are not alone. For 31 days, we’re going weed-free and inviting you to come along for the ride. We’re setting aside all consumable cannabinoids for this cleanse, that includes the CBN night-time tinctures and hemp joints. Throughout the month, I'll be sharing excerpts from my journals as well as prompts to guide you in your weed-free month.

No matter when this blog post finds you, we encourage you to get introspective with our weekly journal prompts. These are intended to help you discover your own depths, motivations, and self-awareness so that you can mindfully welcome golden new habits to replace the old.  



DAY 1: Eliminate, Clean, Organize 🗑️🫧 🗄️

    1. Ditch the stash: If you haven't already done so, gift or dispose of all cannabis (or whatever substance you're quitting). This crucial step is to ensure it's completely out of your home, not merely hidden from plain sight. By extracting all temptation from your home, you make it harder for yourself to break your fast and give yourself extra time to think through the next steps.
    2. Clean your ish: Clean your paraphernalia and then hide them away for the month. Once the cleanse is over, breaking your fast with clean smokeware is akin to returning home from a long vacation to find freshly laundered sheets—a sweet reward at the end of your journey.

📝 Reflection Questions

    1. How long have you been using cannabis? Why did you first start? 
    2. Over the last few months, why have you been using cannabis? Has your reason(s) changed from when you first started? 
    3. Before you started the cleanse, how many times a day/week/month would you consume cannabis?   



DAY 7: Pushing Through 🚴‍♀️

How are you feeling after your first weed-free week? From my experience, the first week is the most brutal. Without the distraction or disassociation that can come from cannabis, the hard edges of your week may have been extra rough. If you’re feeling like that, trust me, you are not alone. I am right there with you. 

📝 Reflection Questions

    1. What are your goals for this period of abstinence?
    2. How do these goals compare or contrast with the reasons for using cannabis that you explored last week? 


Meryl’s Journal Entry

Smoking became a habit for me in college. I loved how it opened my perspective to what I was studying, the stories I was writing, and how much deeper I would fall into movies, music, and shows. However, over this last year, I've noticed my habits changing. Month after month, I was smoking 3-8 times a day. I realized I was smoking to avoid, as opposed to my early years when I was smoking to amplify my connections. The instant dopamine hit from smoking had become addictive to me. Like a flip of a switch, smoking could instantly be a place I could retreat to and avoid whatever I was feeling or doing, it didn't matter if it was good or bad. Because even when I was feeling something good, I used cannabis to mirror my joy. And when I was feeling something bad, I used cannabis to distract from the pain. I feel no shame in doing this, nor do I think anyone else should for these habits. Please don’t perceive this as being self-critical, nor do not intend this to be critical of others; it's merely self-awareness and I’m appreciative of how cannabis has helped me and hindered me. I’m feeling ready for the challenge, to stretch and strengthen the other meta-physical muscles that have been held with my cannabis habit. And I’m scared. Scared of all the what if’s I won’t name. But so it goes, and so it flows.



DAY 14: Tending To My Inner Child 👩‍👧🫶🏽

Welcome to the halfway mark of your weed-free journey! What was your goal for this cleanse? 

📝 Reflection Questions

1. What changes have you noticed within yourself so far? They could be minor or major. Have you noticed any physical, emotional, cognitive, or perceptive shifts from where you were two weeks ago? 
2. Have there been any particularly challenging moments that have come up for you? 

We're halfway through our cannabis-cleanse journey, and personally, I am proud of anyone making tough choices that help you invest in yourself. Keep going!

Meryl’s Journal Entry
My goal for this cleanse, and frankly in general, is to reconnect with my mind and body exactly as I am. I want to reach a point where I can acknowledge and process my feelings with clarity, and from a substance-free mindset. Part of this experiment is to reconnect with my child self. Little Meryl didn’t have any drugs or alcohol until adolescence, and I want to get back to that feeling.

DAY 22: Sleep No More 👀📱

We are 75% of the way through our 31-day cannabinoid reset challenge. By this point, perhaps you're noticing those persistent cravings getting a little quieter, not quite as strong. Thankfully for me, my craving to light up to start the work day and at the beginning of a new task isn't as strong as it was at the end of last month. I am LOVING how my office doesn't smell like stale smoke anymore, and how my fingers and hair are now smoke-free.


Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been all sunshine and roses. Sleep has been the biggest challenge for me. Since quitting cannabis, my sleep just hasn't been the same. It's taking me longer to fall asleep, and when I do, it's restless, waking up multiple times throughout a night, and often tossing and turning.


Mentally, I've noticed my attention span for shows and movies is pretty much non-existent with the absence of cannabis, and I've been reaching for Instagram more. Swapping one addictive habit for another. Was I ever really interested in those shows to begin with, or was I just easily hooked with the help of my high?


I'm being extra mindful not to apply any judgment to myself and these changes, but rather just notice and observe their presence, and I encourage you to do the same! I'm also reaching for Airplane Mode before bed to help me get to sleep a bit easier. As we approach the finish line for our cannabis reset, here's your next batch of journal questions:

📝 Reflection Questions

  1. Have you noticed any new habits replace your cannabis habit? 
  2. Have you noticed a change in your cravings now that you're past the halfway point? 
  3. Are there things that you are enjoying about the cannabis-free lifestyle? 



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    Cannabinoid-Free Alternatives

    • Mini Trio Pack
      Mini Trio Pack

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    • Period Daze Herbal Blend
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    • Free Time Herbal Blend
      Free Time Herbal Blend
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      Free Time Herbal Blend

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    • Airplane Mode Herbal Blend
      Airplane Mode Herbal Blend
      Airplane Mode Herbal Blend
      Airplane Mode Herbal Blend

      Airplane Mode Herbal Blend

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    • Car Sex Herbal Blend
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    • Muse Herbal Blend
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